Thursday, February 28, 2008

HE x SA release party @ VBAR 02.26.08

The turnout was awesome! We wanna thank everyone for coming out and supporting us. Everyone dug the collab tee so we were all in celebration mode. The special Pink Hippoe drinks were a freakin' creeper haha. Image Wone rocked the crowd but due to technical difficulties Swice & Seven30 never got the chance to rip it... well there's always the next Tuesday Blend on 03.25.08. DJ Ethik and special guest DJ Seven kept the heads nodding and bodies bouncing aaaall night long! It was a great night. On behalf of the HIPPOE fam, we'd like to thank Rod of Sneak Attack, the House of Commons crew, Derrick of 9 Grand clothing, VBAR and the staff, Art of Freestyle Xpressions, Richard Luu Photography and AAAAAALL the lovely people that came out to support your friendly neighborhood HIPPOE$.

The rockstar of the night...

Derrick, TNES, Quest and MyKey...

2 of the sickest DJs in $in City. DJs Re:turn and Ethik...

Derrick, TNES and Image Wone...

Swice and Sonic w/ a few of the fine females attending...

DJ Ethik doing what he does best...

Sonic responding to Ethik...

TNES w/ the "Sneak Attack" on Swice and MyKey...

Much thanks to each and everyone who came out to support and party w/ us...

Angelynn and the homegirl posing for Richard...

Mikey-C and Rod flossin' the collabo...

Wilma and the homegirls...


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